November 3, 2022
Dear Members:
Re: Application for Removal of Chief
This is an update to members on the progress of the application for removal of our Chief. We have retained the services of Ron Laufer, who has experience as an electoral officer, to perform the duties of Band Administrator with respect to the removal application.
The tasks he will be performing are specified in the Custom Election Code. They include:
• posting a notice of the application;
• preparing and posting a summary of the grounds on which it is based; and
• posting information about how voters may view the documents relating to the application
For privacy reasons, any private information (such as the contact information of those who signed the documents) will be whited out (redacted) on the documents as our Code requires.
The Election Code states that the BC Arbitration and Mediation Institute will appoint an arbitrator to hear the removal application. However, we have contacted the Institute and this is not a service that they will perform. As a result, we as Councillors have made the decision to appoint the arbitrator. We have chosen John Rich, who acts as Chair of the Huu-ay-aht First Nations Tribunal, to act as arbitrator in this matter. He has extensive experience dealing with First Nations issues and is well qualified for this task.
Once the arbitrator chooses a date for the hearing of the application, notice of that date will be posted as required under the Election Code. The Chief and the applicant will have an opportunity to give evidence at the hearing. The arbitrator will then consider that evidence and decide whether the application is granted or not.
We will provide you with further updates as this process unfolds.
Yours truly,